Midwest Art

July 30, 2012

Cape Cod , Massachusetts

   I’ve really been neglecting this blog! Since we left Texas we’ve been slowly meandering our way north to Pittsburgh so that we can take care of all of our once a year appointments. However we had a little free time so when the opportunity came up to join Gail , Tom and the kids on their vacation at Cape Cod we putted our way a little farther north. We had a lot of fun even though it really wasn’t warm enough for Tess to lay out on the beach! :-D  More pictures here - https://picasaweb.google.com/101444951349944784520/CapeCodMassachusettts

About Me

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We have been fulltiming in our motorhome since 1993. We've traveled through all 50 states and most of the Canadian provinces.It's a great life!