We’re finally on our way to Alaska! We’ve been going slowly because of the weather. While the rest of North America has been baking in a heat wave ,the north west is experiencing a very wet cool spring and summer. We wanted to avoid all of the flooding ,landslides and washouts plus British Columbia is a beautiful province to meander through rather than just rushing by on the way up to Alaska..
The photograph above is one of the buildings from Barkerville , a gold mining town that is now a historic park. Most of the town dates to 1868 and it’s pretty unique ,at least to visitors from the states ,because all of the buildings are wood ,either frame construction or log. Many US gold mining towns burnt down and were rebuilt with brick and stone. Others were never rebuilt because the gold had played out and any remaining buildings crumbled and decayed. More pictures here - https://picasaweb.google.com/tonyandkaren1/BritishColumbia?authkey=Gv1sRgCPSAyYG6qZyEogE