Midwest Art

January 16, 2009

Quartzsite , Arizona

  It looks like we didn’t have to rush across country because our motorhome build is progressing very slowly. We finally hit beautiful weather so we’ve decided to hang around in Arizona for awhile. Here are the latest pictures of the motorhome. It doesn’t look very different but the frame is now completely assembled and the cab area has been cut out.

More pictures here:   http://cid-4ce32117b0082fb8.skydrive.live.com/browse.as /Quartzsite%20,%20Arizona
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IMG_6792 They’re pack saddles from China.SawbuckWEBMED

January 3, 2009

Roswell , New Mexico


   What happened in Roswell? Did a UFO crash or was it a weather balloon? It will probably always be a mystery. Most likely it was some sort of top secret government experiment that went wrong. Still it’s fun to speculate about other possibilities!

More pictures here:  http://cid-4ce32117b0082fb8.skydrive.live.com/browse.aspx/Roswell,%20New%20Mexico

About Me

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We have been fulltiming in our motorhome since 1993. We've traveled through all 50 states and most of the Canadian provinces.It's a great life!