Almost everyone who reads this already knows the whole story of the building of our new motorhome but just in case someone missed it here’s the short version. We contracted to get this motorhome built way back in September. Ken , the builder, told us that it would be well on it’s way to being done by Christmas but as soon as we weren’t around he stopped working on it.The only way we could get him to do any work was by putting constant pressure on him so when we went back east for our niece’s wedding we were concerned about leaving him on his own. Still it was kind of a shock when we came back to Washington state and saw that he had done NO work on it the whole time we were gone – six weeks!
We finally took a good look at our contract , something we should have done a long time ago , and noticed that we have a clause concerning holding shop time. We paid a few thousand dollars extra up front so that our project would have priority. We confronted Ken with this , along with all of the other complaints and problems that we’ve been having with him and he has finally started back to work on it. Not as much as we would like though. He has one other big job that’s almost done and then ours should be the only job that they’re working on. Here are a few pictures of the latest work. Not a lot done for two weeks of work!
This is Kevin , Ken’s cousin ,finishing up on the wiring
They have all of the panels up on the ceiling and most of the walls. They’ve started planning how the cabinets will be built.
The only type of paneling we could find was this white stuff so Eden is going to do some subtle sponging after they’ve primed and finished the walls a bit more.
Updates in a week or so!