Midwest Art

September 12, 2008

Olympic National Park


  For thousands of years the Olympic peninsula was cut off from other land  by glaciers and the ocean so the plants and animals developed in isolation. In 1909 the area that makes up the park was protected as a national monument. Most of the other land on the peninsula was eventually logged. Because this is one of the largest old growth temperate rain forests it’s a Biosphere Reserve and World Heritage Site.

This river becomes a torrent in the spring from melting snow and rain. If you look closely you can see some of the full size trees that get washed down to the ocean beaches.

More pictures here:  http://cid-4ce32117b0082fb8.skydrive.live.com/browse.aspx/Olympic%20National%20Park

September 4, 2008

All Around the Puget Sound


  We’ve just been hanging around in Washington State. Ever since our motorhome hit 300,000 miles we’ve been thinking that we really should start looking around for a replacement. We found a guy who does custom builds so now we just have to decide whether we want him to do it!  While we’ve been debating we took in all of the local museums.

More pictures here:  http://cid-4ce32117b0082fb8.skydrive.live.com/browse.aspx/.res/4CE32117B0082FB8!526

About Me

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We have been fulltiming in our motorhome since 1993. We've traveled through all 50 states and most of the Canadian provinces.It's a great life!